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Workshop: Wonda VR
In this Introduction to WondaVR workshop, Christi will show you how to create your own interactive 360° virtual reality story! We’ll discuss recording and editing 360° videos, importing content into the WondaVR storyboard, adding buttons, images, sounds and interactions to videos, linking videos to create branching narratives, and basic principles for interactive 360° story-design. Join us in the Digital Innovation Lab, Greenlaw room 431, on Thursday, April 11 at 12:30 to learn about WondaVR and enjoy pizza!
Find out more »Learning from Inequality in the History of Computing
Please join us for a public lecture in the Research Hub in Davis Library. Dr. Marie Hicks, Associate Professor in the History of Technology at Illinois Institute of Technology and award-winning author of Programmed Inequality: How Britain Discarded Women Technologists and Lost its Edge in Computing, will present how diverse actors helped build the field of computing and connect computing's past mistakes with some of the problems we are dealing with today. From gendered labor discrimination to historical examples of early algorithmic bias,…
Find out more »Digital Humanities and Arts Curricular Incubation Proposal DUE
The proposals for the Digital Humanities and Arts Curricular Incubation for Fall 2019 are due TODAY! For more information about this incubation, please check out the full call here. To apply please submit your proposal here.
Find out more »Digital Humanities and Arts Research Project Incubation Proposal DUE
The proposals for Digital Humanities and Arts Research Project Incubation for Summer 2019 are due TODAY. For more information please visit this site. To apply please submit a form here.
Find out more »Triangle Digital Humanities Institute
Please visit http://triangledh.org/tdhi/ for details.
Find out more »Wednesday Workshop Series: Multimodal Instructional Design and Wonda VR
Join us Wednesday September 25 at 12:30 in Greenlaw 431 for Matt Duncan's presentation on designing teaching materials and pedagogical experiences using 360 video and Wonda VR. Matt will discuss the affordances and limitations of the medium in teaching multimodal assignments and will demonstrate the concept with a podcast assignment tutorial designed in Wonda and Adobe Premiere. He will also present a preliminary guide to working in 360 environments for those interested in teaching with Wonda.
Find out more »Introduction to Historical GIS with the Digital History Lab
Here at the DIL we like supporting other digital initiatives on campus, thus we're happy to announce that the History department is currently launching a lab and is having a workshop event on Historical GIS. Details from the Digital History Lab website below: "We’re very excited to announce that on the afternoon of October 3 we will be holding “Introduction to Historical GIS,” the first in a series of Digital History Workshops. Generously supported by the Department of History and the Davis…
Find out more »Wednesday Workshop Series: #silentsam and Dealing with Social Data
Join us Wednesday, Oct 9th at 12:30 in Greenlaw 431 for a presentation from the Social Media Data Group about their ongoing project analyzing a corpus of 60,000 tweets featuring #silentsam. Consisting of graduate and undergraduate students in English and Comparative Literature and SILS, the group is excited to share their interdisciplinary approach to data collection, analysis, and visualization. Focusing particularly on some of the technical basics (TAGS; using Jupyter Notebook) and their broad research questions, this session will share…
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