Project Goals
This initiative makes use of Wonda VR’s 360° video editor and the Adobe Creative Cloud Software suite to generate tutorials and supplemental learning materials for English 105. Our current goals are to establish procedures for recording VR tutorials, explore new paradigms in narrative production using 360° video, and to build out a series of tutorials designed to assist instructors interested in teaching digital projects.
Pilot Project: Wonda VR and Research Podcasting
Our pilot project, a tutorial for recording a research-driven podcast, is an experiment in immersive instructional design. The goal of this initiative is to democratize learning environments for multi-modal assignments by eliminating gaps between instructor expectations and student experiences. More specifically, these kind of assignments often require a layer of foundational technological literacy and familiarity with spaces that carry time-restricted reservation requirements. Group activities like the research podcast are often complicated for students to schedule, and multiple recording sessions are unlikely as a result. The initial tutorial is designed to address this problem by giving students as much time as they need to occupy the spaces associated with recording a podcast while also experiencing the instructor’s vision of a successful project in real-time.
Resources for Instructors
For those interested in designing their own supplemental instructional materials using Wonda, we prepared this guide to demonstrate the proper methods for gathering, editing, and sequencing 360° video footage using Wonda VR and Adobe Premiere.